Marion County Farm Bureau

An Agriculture Advocacy Organization
We are a grass roots organization with almost 800 members. Our mission is to serve our members with programs and services which enhance the business and profession of farming and agriculture in Marion County.
Kansas Farm Bureau represents "grassroots agriculture". Established in 1919, this non-profit advocacy organization supports farm families who earn their living in our changing industry. When you join Farm Bureau, you're joining an organization of people. People like you; which are productive conscientious citizens, dedicated to improving the quality of their lives and the lives of those who depend on them. Like you, they care about feeding their families, educating their children and speaking out on issues of concern in Topeka and Washington, D.C. They also care about value. Whether you live on a farm or in the city, you'll discover the advantage of being a member of Marion County Farm Bureau.
Marion County Farm Bureau
1122 E. Main
Marion, Ks. 66861
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
Phone : 620-382-2972

4th District Southeast Central
2024 Membership Dues $51.00 Annually
817 Members